August 2016 Book List

Here is a list of the books I’ve read this month in the order I read them. There were some false starts in between but these are the ones I read in their entirety. While most of the books I read from start to finish have value in some way, any starred titles are the month’s top recommendations.  Anything with + means I have a few things to say about the particular book at the end of the post.

Feel free to comment about any of the books on the list or if you want more info, I’ll post a mini review.

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much–Allison Hoover Bartlett

Jem and the Holograms #16 Comic

Darkness, I–Tanith Lee

The Silent Gondoliers–William Goldman (author of The Princess Bride)

The Book of Tokyo–Ed. Michael Emmerich

Is it Just Me?–Miranda Hart

An Unfinished Tapestry–Susan Leslie  Link: